Reaching the B2B C-suite

Marketing business-to-business (B2B) can be daunting for many businesses because the decision-making process is longer and more expensive, and getting in front of the busy C-suite is challenging.

Luckily, at the MHP/Team SI marketing agency, we are experts at understanding how to effectively reach the C-suite where they live, work and play.

We rely on the inbound marketing approach – using content and distribution channels to move users through the marketing funnel to action. The difference between inbound and outbound marketing is that, instead of in-your-face “buy our widget at rock-bottom prices” messaging, we create content to draw users in through their journey as buyers – moving them from the awareness phase, to interest, then to consideration, and finally to action.

TraDigital™ Marketing Funnel

Leveraging omnichannel strategies to reach your B2B audiences

Through our omnichannel TraDigital™ approach to marketing communications and by using a comprehensive content marketing strategy, we can help you tell your story to your clients and stay connected with prospective customers in their backyards, across the state, across the region, across the country, and even internationally.

Focusing on the buyer’s journey

The inbound marketing method provides a system for designing your marketing strategy to support all levels of the buyer journey. A great way to think about how this works is to get down on the individual level and check the user experience. One way we like to do this is by walking through “A Day in the Life” of your average C-suite decision-maker and creating a persona about them and their communications habits.

Focusing on the buyer's journey

The MHP/Team SI TraDigital™ B2B marketing team will work with you to generate the highest level of revenue from your network and strengthen customer loyalty. Let’s talk about how!

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