Nurturing collaborative government partnerships

Here at MHP/Team SI, we serve a number of government clients with strategic, creative and spellbinding omnichannel TraDigital™ communications strategies to help them reach their target audiences efficiently and effectively.

Marketing for Government Agencies

Representing diverse campaigns

MHP/ Team SI’s robust government and quasi-government portfolios represent a diverse roster of issues and opportunities, including economic and workforce development, heritage and historic preservation, litter and beautification, tourism, technical education, HIV testing, the arts, developmental disabilities and opioid and overdose education.

Becoming extensions of your team

As taxpayers, we are also good stewards of taxpayer dollars. To that end, we are deeply committed to the immersion and transparency required on government accounts. The phrase “a lot of red tape” is commonly used to illustrate the difficulties of moving paperwork and projects through government. We only see “green tape.”

MHP/Team SI account executives work to become extensions of a government client’s team to extend their capabilities and fill any skills gaps. We also understand and respect the various layers of review and approval required by government agencies before deploying initiatives, as well as the processes for results-reporting, billing and other accountability measures and expectations, and we have the internal protocols and processes in place to accommodate those needs and expectations.

Agency Government Portfolios
Key Performance Indicators Graphic

Understanding government processes and objectives

At the heart of what we do with our government clients is help them reach their objectives, and we do so through collaboration and omnichannel TraDigital™ marketing. We listen closely to our government clients to understand what’s expected of them in terms of results and key performance indicators (KPIs) then collaborate with them to strategize and implement relevant, data-based, results-centric and cost-effective communications strategies, all while remembering that these clients’ marketing dollars are finite, grant- and/or taxpayer-funded and strictly controlled.

That we know how to work with government agencies and that we are trusted by government agencies (and the taxpayers that fund those agencies) is proven by the length of our tenure with some clients. We have two government clients that we worked with for a combined total of 35 years (13 years with one client; 22 years with another). Our contracts are renewed again and again because of our talent, the strength of our results and our stewardship of the grant- and taxpayer-funded budgets that underwrite these initiatives.

Government Marketing Expertise
Government Marketing Efficiency

Placing priority on strategy and transparency

We take all clients’ missions, needs, objectives, outcomes and budgets seriously. We are especially attuned to the unique processes, protocols, standards and requirements associated with grant- and taxpayer-funded client accounts. We are committed to the efficiency and efficacy of government accounts and approach them with equal priority placed on strategy and transparency.

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