Paying attention to the details to ease your mind

Our finance and accounting department thrives on spreadsheets, numbers and checklists, and we’re always updating our processes to make sure they are as simple, accurate and effective as possible. The process requires a lot of organization and hands-on attention to detail. Our team pulls together to take this responsibility off your plate, leaving your time to focus on your business and brand.

Finance and Accounting
accounting system

Using the TraDigital™ philosophy to manage daily tasks

Our TraDigital™ approach to marketing communications exists in all aspects of our business – even accounting and billing. We use Advantage, a system that helps manage every aspect of client-agency relationship, including:

Advantage helps us run our agency with real-time information across all departments.

Managing client and vendor information seamlessly

Advantage offers our agency teams many benefits we leverage for your marketing success:

  • Advantage is a web-based platform, allowing teams to connect to it anywhere.
  • We collaborate and share files across departments in Advantage, keeping lines of communication open and productive.
  • Client budget and billing management is easier and more efficient in Advantage because related tasks are accessible in one spot.
  • MHP/Team SI’s finance and accounting department can more easily track, invoice/bill, report and forecast.
  • Media management is accomplished in a single system that is inclusive of planning, buying, analyzing and reporting.
  • Our co-op team uses Advantage to collaborate with internal account and media teams to ensure that invoicing follows guidelines and aligns with what clients ordered
TraDigital™ approach with billing
Managing client finances

Understanding the details and requirements of co-op relationships

We know some clients only receive a set amount of co-op dollars each fiscal year and that it can be a hassle to track this budget. That’s why we have our own in-house co-op team that assists our account services teams with tracking and analyzing co-op spends.

We organize and compile all the documents required for claim submissions and keep in contact with all media vendors to make sure they are updated on co-op requirements. We also manage claims documents and monitor spends to ensure invoices go out accurately and timely.

Our co-op team’s goal is to make the process as seamless as possible. We notify clients of guideline updates as we are made aware of them and have all of our budget and submissions information updated and readily available should any questions arise.

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