Collaborating for best results and productive relationships

Collaboration is key to our relationship with you. We want your insights and involvement at every step of the way in developing and implementing your TraDigital™ marketing communications approach. There may be times during the process where we must retreat to accomplish specific tasks, but at no time during planning or implementation – or during the length of the relationship – will we not want you engaged.

Collaborative marketing

Plan the work and work the plan.

Fusing your knowledge with our expertise

Our promises to each client are “Plan the work and work the plan.” and “No surprises!” These philosophies will apply to every part of our business relationship with you.

Our ability to provide virtually every service in the communications spectrum will allow you to maximize the effectiveness of your marketing dollars by fusing the industry knowledge of your professional staff with the core competencies of our team. This sort of immersion helps us effectively relate to your business, respond to your requests, and interact and coordinate with your partners and constituent/stakeholder groups.

Tracking and communicating performance toward KPIs

Our account services teams will work with you to make sure our agency is hitting the key performance indicators (KPIs) that you have prioritized.

Internally, we have regular meetings and check-ins to ensure that campaigns are running smoothly and tracking according to objectives. If there is ever an issue, the first time you hear about it won’t be on a reporting call at the end of a campaign or in your monthly statement. We will keep you apprised of the performance of your campaigns and proactively offer innovative solutions on how to optimize and adjust to keep the campaign performing at its highest level.

Tracking KPIs

Exercising transparency and accountability for real ROI

We practice complete transparency with every client. Everything we do for you is open to consideration and evaluation. Should you have any questions about the amount of time we put toward your projects, a breakdown is available. These business practices help us manage your projects and control spending.

Transparency is imperative to effectively managing your account, but so is documentation. We can also provide to you a number of other documents to track and evaluate projects:

With many clients, we have monthly or even weekly meetings to discuss communications strategy and project progress. With other clients, we not only meet with their professional staff regularly, we also attend management meetings, leadership forums, etc., of the client’s “governing” bodies so that we are fully informed of the client’s mission and needs and can most effectively support the client with marketing communications. We will collaborate with you to tailor the best approach for communications, progress updates, account meetings, etc.

Implementing a proven process for project management

We will employ a number of tools to manage your projects. We will:

MHP/Team SI uses a proven process to move a client’s project through the agency. All work and related cost estimates are reviewed by the account team leader for strategic direction and accuracy before they are presented to you. 

Other steps in the process include:

It is our pledge to you that we deliver the work on time and on budget. We take this commitment seriously, and we will proactively engage you in conversations and reviews about work quality and customer service. Let us show you how! 

Let us walk you through
our process.