In June 2021, MHP/Team SI picked up an eCommerce client whose sole focus is selling nutritional supplements online direct to consumers. Without an in-store retail presence, the brand’s only revenue comes through its website and Amazon marketplace.

Within a short period of analyzing data and optimizing digital marketing campaigns, we were able to both decrease the nutritional supplement company’s total ad spend and increase their conversion rate.

How did we do it? Keep reading to find out!

An Unexpected Challenge

For most new clients, we expect a 90-day ramp-up and onboarding period. During this time, we set up key performance indicators (KPIs) and reporting, analyze current marketing performance, and get oriented with their website development process. 

We also expected the eCommerce marketing firm to offer a 90-day offboarding period to ensure a smooth transition. This happens a lot in our industry.

However, when the eCommerce marketing firm representing this brand was let go, they ended their relationship with the supplements company immediately and did not allow time for a transitional period. 

We had to jump in, start from scratch and perform to ensure that the company maintained revenue from online sales. The pressure was ON!

Collaborative marketing

Hitting the Ground Running

Our first goal was to increase the supplement’s eCommerce conversion rate. In January 2021, the company only had a 2.41% conversion rate, which was far below what it needed to be.

Through optimizing the website and existing digital media campaigns, we were able to increase this conversion rate to 4.45% in the first month while decreasing the amount of ad spend.

Through focusing on high-performing digital marketing tactics, we were able to increase their conversion rate year over year from 0.67% in 2020 to 3.69% in 2021.

Decreasing Ad Spend, Increasing ROI

A bigger advertising budget doesn’t necessarily mean a bigger return on investment. Rather, a smarter advertising budget results in more ROI. We tweaked the client’s ad spend so they could spend less money in smarter ways.

Within the first 90 days of working together, we increased clicks by 34.3% while decreasing their cost-per-clicks by 24.4%. Ultimately, we reduced the company’s total ad spend by 50% and decreased the cost per order from nearly $100 to only $4.

Optimizing a Mobile Campaign

Before working with MHP/Team SI, the nutritional supplement company did not target smartphone shoppers. More than 50% of eCommerce activity is done on a smartphone. Why not optimize your campaign for those mobile shoppers?

Guess what device is the leading seller of products now for the supplements company? Smartphones. More than 69% of their sales now come from smartphone users compared to nearly 0% in 2020. The eCommerce conversion rate for all smartphone traffic is the highest at 5.19%.

Building a Better eCommerce Website

A digital marketing campaign can only do so much if your website is not optimized for conversions. We know our conversion rate needs to meet or exceed the national benchmark of 7-10%, so we sent our web development company, Lapero, to set about developing a new, optimized website.

Currently, our team is in the process of developing a 100% data-driven website. They’re reviewing analytics and user behavior over the past six months and deciphering how to revamp the site and increase conversions.

Syncing brand across website and app platforms

Do you need help with eCommerce supplement sales?

We’ll work as hard as you’ll allow us to work. Contact us for a free evaluation! It’s as simple as that.

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